Friday, August 6, 2010

How US-UK Create 'Terrorist' States? Part 2

A continuation of the previous post, How US-UK Create 'Terrorist' States? Part 1.

  • Step 6:
Capture and torture people from all over the world in a prison such as Guantanamo Bay. Deny them rights: no charge; no trial; no representation; no right to a lawyer; no right to visit from friends, relatives or the Red Cross; and do so for an indefinite period. Select people whose religion is the same as those in the terrorist state you are looking to create (in this case Islam). This will make the enemies seem more closely knit, yet from varying countries, giving your country the excuse to invade country after country.
  • Step 7:
Destroy the stabilizing government of the neighbouring country. In 2006, Britain and America supported Somali warlords, such as Abdullah Yusuf, who invaded Somalia in order to overthrow the emerging government (the Union of Islamic Courts) and replace them with a facist government nobody wanted (the Transitional Federal Government, or TFG)
  • Step 8:
Murder people without charge or trial in both countries with new, super-weaponry, such as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Drones). This will terrorize and radicalize the population of the country you are trying to turn into a terrorist state. Hopefully, your media will attempt to vindicate the drone attacks by either not reporting them or else uncritically quoting officials who claim that the drones target terrorists.
Without journalist challenging these official statements, the public may assume that they are correct. (This is happening in more and more countries: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Palestine, Yemen, Somalia, and possibly even Haiti).
  • Step 9:
Omit as much of the previous steps as you can from public knowledge via the media and education system of your own country. This will make any action from the country you are trying to turn into a terrorist state seem unprovoked, giving you the chance to invade as an act of self-defence. It will also allow you to carry on without your public overthrowing you (as mentioned in Step 1). Also, get your media to make meaningless statements about the country you are trying to turn into a terrorist state, sucha as "Osama Bin Laden's grandfather was born there" or, or "the failed Christmas underpants bomber (Umar Farouk Abdulmuttallab) was radicalized there by the cleric Anwar Al-Awlaqi" - even though Abdulmuttallab's father informed the FBI of his son's radicalization months before, which the FBI ignored - or, "Nidal Malik Hasan, the major who killed several of his colleagues at a US base, was radicalized there" - even though this was not terrorism because they were military targets.
  • Step 10:
Wait for a terrorist attack to occur, in the country itself, against a British national stationed there, such as an ambassador who has previously worked in another country you helped to destroy.
When the British ambassador to Yemen, Tim Torlot, (who had worked for the British government in Iraq) was attacked in April 2010, the "left" and "right" media leapt at the chance to emphasize how dangerous Yemen is to Britain (for which we planned in Step 1)
  • Step 11:
Now sit back and wait for the country to boil over into extremeviolence, making sure you poke the bear with sticks, such as increased drone attacks and security raids by the puppet government being armed and trained by your own.
After a few years, you will have yourself a nice terrorist state. Later, academics can refer to the country as a "failed state". While your domestic population assumes that you are either incompetent or out there to combat terrorism, you can secure energy routes or raw resources.

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